5.1 Agriculture: 2008アーカイブ

5.1.1 K.Brand

5.1.1 K.Brand.gif

"K. Brand" is a system in Kagawa to recognize products of a particularly high quality. There are three criteria by which a product may attain "K. Brand" status:

1. The product is of particularly high quality

2. The product is recognized as having something unique about it or its production method

3. The product has something special about it's ingredients or preparation

"K. Brand" is administered by the Council to Promote Distribution and Consumption of Kagawa Products. It is a symbol of Kagawa’s confidence and pride in these products.


このページには、 2008以降に書かれたブログ記事のうち5.1 Agricultureカテゴリに属しているものが含まれています。


5.1 Agriculture: 2008: 月別アーカイブ