The Circle of Life (1) Shikoku Temples

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Shikoku treasures through a pilgrim's eyes. The 88-Temple Circuit

Snowy Roof Sunrise


Snowflakes lose their shape

As sun creeps ever higher,

Into one they merge.

Bell at Taisanji
The sound of the bell penetrates all -

Here one minute and gone the next,

From emptiness and back again.

Am I like the sound of a bell?

Ripples in the Water
Thoughts flow,

Like ripples on water,

Smooth and uninterrupted.

Tairyuji's Long Walk
Tired steps on a long path,

Where does one go with no end and no beginning?

How about up?

Candles Melting Down
Without living they have the gift of life.
Without legs they dance,
And not with eyes do they shed waxy tears.
Lacking sound or voice they spread the word
That beauty is but a flash.
From end to end they melt away
As flame is gently snuffed.
A trail of smoke brings to mind the candle's guiding light
If only I could burn so bright in this my gift of life.

Smoke in the Light

One for now,
One for then,
And one for what will be.
The fragrance knows no bounds

Prayer on the Steps
Is this the look of Faith?

Stairs of Yakuoji
Like a sorcerer and his cauldron,
The soft shadow of a pilgrim is painted
On steps against unluck.

Yakushi Nyorai

Rising above the thorny world,
His gestures deliver the absence of fear.

Ryan Armstrong (USA)
ALT at Kagawa Chuo High School, 1998-1999
CIR at Kagawa Prefecture, 1999-2001


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This page was written by i-pal for 30, 2007 9:24 .

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