The Circle of Life (2) Faces of the Henro

Shikoku treasures through a pilgrim's eyes. The 88-Temple Circuit

The Henro


Some things are beyond description,
This is the look of the Henro.

The Tent Guy
A man with no tent,
The gift of giving a gift -
Who gave us such luck?

Filling Out the Name Card
With worn hands he has lived.
His shoes fairly new.
With charms and trinkets, impervious to cold,
The Daishi is at his side.

Goodbye Ehime
Echoing that two
Forever travel as one -
Dogyo Ninin rings.

Nearing the Point
In the blink of an eye I had come and gone,
But, ohh, how slowly I went.

Knock knock on the Tabiji door.
With no reservation I was quite a surprise.
The food was tremendous and the kids worthwhile
But the best of all was her wonderful smile.

At the Temple of Everlasting Happiness
Even if only on paper,
A genuine smile can be heart warming.

The Full Monty at Yakuoji
"But you can leave your hat on..."
With mallet in hand, he kept the beat
I kept waiting for them to dance.

Nakamura Directions
Here's a man who at first looked gruff,
I hesitated to stop and ask.
But once I did his face all but changed
And this is what he became.

Nokyojo Obachan
With careful concentration and a steady hand,
She has experienced the Circle of Life.

Praying Girl
Small and petite
Her form a little off,
But with one wish in mind
Can anything be more True?

Before a Purple Banner
Three days out,
Hers is yet to come,
But courage was there from the start.

Henro Bike-Walk
One hundred-eight times around he has gone.
To the bus he goes but will not stay,
"Shugyo no hitotsu," is all he will say,
As the snow begins to fall.

An Encounter with Kindness
She climbed the hill higher and higher,
But alas could go no more.
As tears welled up a car pulled over
And asked if she wished for a ride.

The Sound of English
"I speak English!" he said in a blur,
Gleaming and beaming a kindly kind.
"This way is that
and that way is this
Atop Ishizuchi I have been,
To watch the first day become."

Ginger Steps
With head hanging low, a pained smile
Blisters have taken their toll.
"The serenity of the mountains is what," she said,
"kept me from stopping to cry."

Henro in the Valley
With long strides and a bounce in his step,
His enthusiasm was of the contagious type.

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Mustering his might
An immaculate silence.
Slack, the log let go
And two connect - wood with steel,
Swept away by rolling tides.

Passing Along the Way
On the sacred Michi,
Where destination is origin twice viewed.
Oh, how I have changed.

Kato and the Daishi
Seventy-eight and camping every night,
Kobo Daishi is always near the heart.

The Wild Blue Yonder
Not knowing what lies ahead,
Every step is just one more towards
A new adventure.

Ryan Armstrong (USA)
ALT at Kagawa Chuo High School, 1998-1999
CIR at Kagawa Prefecture, 1999-2001


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This page was written by i-pal for 6, 2007 3:45 .

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