Artist Tour of the Seto Inland Sea

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(August 11,12, 2009)


Artists interested in displaying art at the Setouchi International Art Festival in 2010 took a 2 day tour around the islands of the Seto Inland Sea on August 11th and 12th.  Both days were hot, but it was great weather for a tour of 5 of the islands in the inland sea.  Jeremy Lanig from the International Affairs Division and Juliana Watanabe, an Overseas Technical Trainee, were interpreters during the tour.

The tour went to Naoshima, Shodoshima, Ogijima, Teshima, and Megijima and learned about the rich and deep culture and history of the islands while enjoying the beautiful nature.  The tour also included the museums and art house projects of Naoshima.




tour (1).jpgAn international artist views an installation in a window at one of the art house projects on Naoshima.


 tour (2).jpg


 An international artist stands between rice fields while looking for places to display his work.




tour (3).jpgA group photo was taken on the last ferry ride of the tour.


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