
Child Allowance

Residents with a registered address can receive a child allowance for each child from the municipal government if they fall within a certain income bracket. The person raising the child receives the allowance until the child finishes junior high school. Please contact your municipal government office for details.

💻Basic Information on Child Allowance

The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) offers a brochure on the child allowance system in the following languages.:
Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese, Russian, Indonesian, French, German.

Basic Information on Child Allowance(Japanese)

Childcare Facilities

Day care centers take care of preschool children for parents who cannot take care of their children during the day due to work, illness or other reasons. There are public and private day care centers. Some private day care centers are accredited by the municipal government office while others are not. The age from which children can enter and the services offered differ depending on the day care center, but in general, most day care centers accept children from infancy through the pre-school years.
There are also certified child centers that combine the functions of a day care center and a kindergarten. Children 3 years and older are accepted regardless of whether or not the parent(s) are working. You can contact the kindergarten or child center directly or, for public institutions, the municipal government office.