Daily Life Library

Conversation Book

Kagawa Prefecture has seen the number of resident foreigners rise in response to increasing internationalization, and an increasing borderlessness in economic activity. Promotion of peaceful, safe coexistence of both Japanese and foreign residents is a topic of increasing interest. I-PAL published a multi-lingual guidebook, "Welcome to Kagawa", in 1992, with the aim of providing information for resident foreigners. Because of the rise of technology and its popularity and integration into everyday life, a lot of the information in the 1992 edition is now out of date.
We have revised the old guidebook in the hopes that we can provide practical, useful information.
We have concentrated especially on information that we hope will be of use to foreigners who haven't been in Kagawa long, or those who haven't yet gotten used to life in our Prefecture; we hope that it will also be useful for the Japanese who interact with them. We have strived to present the information in an easy-tounderstand style.
We will be overjoyed if this guidebook contributes even a little bit to multicultural co-existence.

Kagawa International Exchange Association

Daily Life Library