Kagawa International Festival
The Kagawa international festival is an annual event held at I-PAL Kagawa aiming to cultivate a greater sense of cosmopolitanism within the prefecture by bringing local natives and foreign residents together in a series of cultural exchange events.
This also provides an opportunity for various international relations organizations from within the prefecture to work with one another and strengthen their links.
Join us for the Kagawa International Festival 2015!
Time: Monday 12th October 2015, (Public Holiday) 10:00‐16:00
Location: I-PAL Kagawa
The day is full of things you will only be able to experience at this international festival. The Kagawa International Festival offers an especially eclectic mix of "one day only" events ranging from gourmet foods and drinks from around the world and special exhibitions run by the various international exchange organizations across the prefecture. Furthermore, this year we are also introducing a new event called the "Forum on Multiculturalism" where foreign residents will express their views on Kagawa and Japan and take part in a group discussion with Japanese locals. Other highlights include a foreign film screening followed by an informal discussion as well as an art collaboration between a local Kagawa artist and attending children. We hope to see you on the day!
For further details, please see the flyer.
For information regarding last year's Kagawa International Festival, please click here.