Topics: 2008 Archive

On December 13, 2008, I did a global seminar at the Busshōzan International Exchange Center called "Making Sandwiches!"  Using sandwich bread, roast pork, sliced cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup, and mustard, we made good old American style sandwiches.  To go with that, we also made peanut butter and celery stick snacks.  Rather than the sandwiches it was the celery sticks, which the students had never had until then, that ended up being the big hit of the day!

kocomoclub.jpgThe last "Kodomo Club" event of 2008 was held on December 6th.  Using PowerPoint, I gave a talk to the children about the origins of Christmas and the ways in which Americans spend the holiday.  After that, we all played a game called "Frosty's Hat."  In this game, the children put on blindfolds, spun around several times, and tried to put a hat fitted with magnets onto the head of a snowman that was posted on the blackboard.  The kids gave it their dizzy best!