KJ2007.07: 2007 Archive

JR offers a seasonal ticket with which you can ride any of their regular or semi-express(kaisoku)trains all day, for the equivalent of only \2300 a day! Though the deal is called the“youth18ticket,”anyone is able to buy a set.

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

Aimed at those whose first language is not Japanese, the JLPT is a test intended to gauge Japanese ability. It is administered both locally and overseas once a year, and is divided into four levels(1kyuu through4kyuu,1being “most proficient”).

Household goods in western Japan use 60Hz frequency,100 volt electricity. Foreign electrical goods may be designed for use with a different voltage, and may not be useable here.

A Cool Summer
Kagawa Prefecture is one of the sunniest prefectures in Japan, and receives very little rain. This, combined with the warming effects of the Seto Inland Sea, means that we get to experience a summer appropriate to the tropics! How about trying out these tricks for cooling down this summer?

The Rainy Season
Before the heat of summer really picks up, humidity from the Indian Ocean brings a period of heavy rain to much of Asia.